1. безл. hurt, be sore; it hurts; ~ го навсякъде, ~ го всичко he is all aches and pains, he is aching all over, he feels all-overish; ~ ме it is painful; have pains, be in pain; ~ ме глава/гърло/зъб/корем have a headache/a sore throat/a too-thache/stomachache, have a pain in the stomach; ~/цепи го глава his head throbs, he has a splitting/racking/blinding headache; какво го ~? what ails him? хем ~, хем сърби прен. have it both ways, you can’t eat your cake and have it;
2. прен. be sad/sorry (about s.o.); grieve for s.o.; ~ го сърцето за някого his heart goes out to s.o.; his heart bleeds for s.o.; he grieves for s.o.; още го ~ за нещо he’s still smarting over/under s.th.